Public Presentations & Outreach
As a result of the coronavirus epidemic the Neighbour at Work Centre has been operating in a virtual space since early 2020. We will continue to update the Public Presentations & Outreach Page with some of the new initiatives that Dr Shain is involved in and look forward to the time when Covid19 contact issues are resolved.
Upcoming and Recent Presentations
February 23, 2021
Campbell Institute Symposium (Virtual)
Leading in Troubled Times: meeting the challenges of maintaining psychological safety during the pandemic
National Safety Council USA
Workplace Safety and and Prevention Services (Virtual)
Psychological Safety for Leaders in Challenging Times - a three session course
A partnership between N@W and WSPS, currently in production 1-877-494-WSPS (9777)
May 14, 2019
ETFO (Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario) Health and Safety Conference
"Members at Risk: Protecting Mental Health in Stressful Times"
Toronto, ON
October 1, 2019
Lancaster House Health and Safety Conference
Psychological Health and Safety Panel
Toronto, ON
October 8, 2019
The Osgoode Certificate in Workplace Mental Health Law Course
“Do employers have an increasing legal duty of care for psychological wellbeing?”
Toronto, ON
Consultations and Development
Technical Committee on the National Standard 2010-2019 Canadian Standards Association (CSA Group)
- Consulation through Acclaim Management Ability Inc. with public sector employers including a multinational logistic company and a medium sized municipality
- Design and ongoing testing of a one day pilot program for Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS): "Psychological Safety for JOHS Committees: an action primer"